Public Administration and Playgrounds
Client RequestSmart benches in steel installable both in internal and external enviroment. In various colors depending on the needs.
Internet access and user management platform.
Smart features such as Environmental sensors, USB charging ports, night light Audio, Bluetooth.
Need analysis with subsequent proposal of the bench containing the technological solutions best suitable for the Client.
Design and supply of the Smart Bench for a municipality of 500 inhabitants.

Client Benefits
The smart bench is installed in the municipal playground. The choice of installing the bench inside the playground was no accident, since we wanted to offer a device to entertain the children also with music, to use in case of shows and events.
Furthermore, the Municipality didn’t have a public WI-Fi network so the bench served as a hotspot for the people looking for connectivity.
The smart bench has been installed at the entrance of the playground and every day detects the flow of the kids.
Since 2014 the bench detects an average flow of 20 visitors per day, usually in the afternoon and the evening during the summer period.
Audio files have been uploaded in the managing platform so that parents could play fairy tales to their children even outdoors.